Notice Regarding Birthday Celebration Policy

Notice Released on 05 September, 2023

Dear Parent
In regard of the safety of all students, we would like to draw your attention towards our Birthday Celebration Policy.
The school will NOT allow ANY treats/items in the form of Cakes/Muffins/Cup Cakes/Other eatables or beverages to be brought to school for distribution. After careful consideration and gathering feedback from parents, we have determined this to be necessary for the safety of all our students.
It is very difficult for the school to ensure the product quality and check for expiry dates. In that case, anyone serving food to children needs to be aware of food allergies and the potential for a life-threatening allergic reaction. However, you can send branded candies/chocolates with your ward.
We trust that you understand how deeply important it is to respect and adhere to the above guidelines. The safety of all our students is our utmost priority and we appreciate your co-operation and understanding.
Thank you for your continued partnership.

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