Important Information regarding Route Closure near WPS Vidhyadhar nagar branch on 07.10.2023

Notice Released on 06 October, 2023

Notice for commutation, WPS 3
Dear Parent
This is to inform you that tomorrow there will be a huge gathering at the Vidhyadhar Nagar stadium i.e. on 07.10.2023 (Saturday). This will cause the closure of several roads in the area, including those leading to our school.
As a result, parents who drop their wards by self may experience some inconvenience when dropping off or picking them from school.
If you are unable to drop off or pick up your ward due to the road closures, you may decide not to send your ward to school for the day or you may drop off your ward from an alternate route.
We solicit your cooperation and coordination as always.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school reception.

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