Notice Released on 09 October, 2023

Dear Parent

The frequent conduction of events like rallies, etc. in the area surrounding the Vidhyadhar Nagar stadium are a part and parcel of the election campaigns and the process therein.
These events and the large crowd involved result in the closure of several roads in the area including those leading to our school for maintaining traffic and safety purposes.
We understand that it brings with it a great amount of concern for the parents to manage the commute of their wards to and from the school.

We hope that the parents understand that such events cannot be predicted and hence it becomes difficult for us to manage things beforehand.

As a precautionary measure, we suggest thoughtful and well-in-time decisions by the parents in case the conduction of such events comes to their knowledge. Parents may decide at their discretion to avoid sending their wards or opt for an alternate route as per their feasibility.

We solicit your cooperation and wisdom in making the working hassle-free and safe for all.

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