Prefectorial Council -Guidelines of students for the Panel Round ( VI to XII)

Notice Released on 13 July, 2023

  1. The interview of the shortlisted candidates will be conducted on 14 &15 July 2023 in the Conference Room (Skating Ground).
  2. The slots and timings are as under -
    14 July 2023: 9 am to 12 noon (House Captains interviews)

1 pm to 3:30 pm
(Interview for Discipline Heads , Assembly heads, Uniform heads).

15 July 2023: 9 am to 12 noon
(Interview for Head Boy,Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl).

1 pm to 3:30 pm
(Interviews for Cultural Head, Deputy Cultural Head).

Interviews will be conducted during school hours.

The shortlisted candidates have to come in regular uniforms and well groomed on both the days.

Please note if we don't get any suitable candidate for the given positions then in that case the positions will be bestowed on the last year's selected Ceremonial Heads.

You are requested to abide by the norms.

We wish you all Good luck !!

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